
[歌词翻译]Black Again - Stone Temple Pilots




When you're fed up and lonely

无法忍受 感到孤独

And nothing else seems to matter really


I'll be here waiting for the black cloud to leave you

我在此 等待 你摆脱乌霾

I'll be here to hold your hand when you're tired and lonely

我在此 执手 当你孤独倦怠

She can't eat She can't sleep She's not well (she's lonely again)

她寝食不安 她不在佳境 (她再次孤寂)

She can't breathe She's in bed She's in hell

她卧床窒息 她如入炼狱

But she'll never really be alone As long as I'm beside her

但她永不孑然 只要我在她身侧



Hold your breath underwater

沉溺水下 凝神屏息

And know you'll rise to the surface slowly


Think of me as a ship that might hold you

请想象 我是 承托你的船

Carry you to the shore when you're tired and lonely

请相信 我会 护送你回岸

She can't eat She can't sleep She's not well (she's lonely again)

她寝食不安 她不在佳境 (她再次孤寂)

She can't breathe She's in bed She's in hell

她卧床窒息 她如入炼狱

But she'll never really be alone As long as I'm beside her

但她永不孑然 只要我在她身侧

热度 ( 6 )

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